The mission of the School of Ministry & Missions is to send out trained five-fold ministers, as stated in Ephesians 4:11, into the world to preach the gospel of the kingdom with signs and wonders following. The program is designed to challenge students to think beyond their own limitations and discover the vision that God has for them for ministry. The curriculum, faculty members, and staff have all been carefully selected to impart the faith, wisdom, and vision required to build supernatural ministries founded on the Word of God.

The curriculum for the School of Ministry consists of two programs: Eight months of Bible Training Program I & II and then another eight months of Associate Degree Ministerial School of Ministry. Our programs run annually and culminate in a graduation ceremony where a diploma and associate degree of completion are presented.

Our Online Bible Training Classes are open to the public and offer great flexibility for your schedule. Enhance your knowledge of the Word and grow closer to God.

Our School of Ministry and Mission programs equip ministers called to the 5-fold ministry. This university-caliber curriculum includes mission work, hands-on volunteering, and ministry work.

Students will be prepared to share the Gospel everywhere they go with signs, wonders, and miracles following, healing the sick, setting the oppressed free, and being used by the Lord to transform the lives of many.

It is our mission to raise up Spirit-anointed leaders who will disciple nations. Our programs have the highest curriculum standards within the framework of Spirit-anointed Biblical authority. We prepare Christian leaders for Christian service.

All degrees at our college are earned degrees. This is achieved by mandatory coursework that must be completed.

Looking forward to seeing you in our online class!

Our Founders

Denominational Affiliation

Victory International Ministry Training College is an interdenominational ministry, not affiliated with any one denomination, but striving to work in unity with others in the Body of Christ.

Our Beliefs

We embrace the foundational truths of our faith with reverence and conviction:

  • We believe the Bible to be the inspired, only infallible, authoritative Word of God, guiding us with divine wisdom and truth.
  • We affirm the Triune nature of God—eternally existing as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—a profound mystery of divine unity and love.
  • Our faith rests in the deity of Christ, His miraculous birth, sinless life, sacrificial death, triumphant resurrection, and promised return in glory.
  • We cherish the gift of the Holy Spirit, bestowed upon believers as promised by Jesus, empowering us for spiritual growth and service.
  • We embrace divine healing as a provision of Christ’s atonement, believing in the restoration of body, mind, and spirit.
  • We hold firm to the hope of resurrection for the saved unto eternal life while acknowledging the sober reality of eternal separation for those who reject God’s offer of forgiveness through His Son.

These beliefs form the bedrock of our theological foundation and guide us as we cultivate a vibrant community of faith, learning, and service.

Drop Us a Message!

Experience the transformative power of faith-filled education. Enroll today and step into your calling! We can’t wait for you to connect with us!